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Teh_Critic13 karma

I feel only moderate sympathy for you. 347 days is a long time. But you seem to have gotten out of this program which AFAIK generally have near-sterling history,and all you came out with is a shitty attitude about the lack of creature-comforts in the wilderness. Sorry kid, your parents should have sent you to the Marriot in Scottsdale, probably would have been more comfortable. Youve done a pretty phenomenal job of spending your year in the woods and coming out just as rotten as you probably went in.

I know you came to reddit to get tons of sympathy and upvotes for the terrible injustice done upon you by this therapy program which is supposed to turn your life around. I just dont feel like massaging your ego any further. You seem ungrateful and generally whiny, which I dont like.

Teh_Critic9 karma

Where do you see the technology for things like concentrates/BHO/shatter going in the next 15 years? Is there currently any entrepreneurship in that element? I live in Flagstaff, AZ, and we have a guy in town who produces pounds of butter with a machine he made himself - is basement technology like that pretty much the standard?

Teh_Critic3 karma

Thanks for taking the time to answer my question Jonathan! But in terms of the actual production of the medicinal product, is much of it done on a small-scale or is there large-scale production machinery?

Teh_Critic3 karma

For sure. I work in the field in Arizona, so packing the long distances in hot/cold day/night wouldnt be an issue, it's basically the same climate. I'm curious to know, do they try to specifically hire ex-military or do they have a wider variety of backgrounds?

Teh_Critic3 karma

He's pretty well known around town. According to the grapevine he produces fucktons during harvest up in Humboldt with a mobile machine, and is, according to the grapevine, a significant contributor to the medical concentrate surplus in Cali.