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Telsak64 karma

@carol I don't know you, but this answer lets me conclude that you most definately know where your towel is :)

Telsak13 karma

One page at a time :)

Telsak12 karma

So what you're saying is that it's bigger on the inside? ;)

Telsak4 karma

Hi and thanks for making this AMA!

I love languages myself and speak pretty good english outside of my native swedish but I'm having some problems when it comes to picking up anything new. I don't have the option to move and live in another country to learn a language, nor do I have access to locals who speak languages I'm interested in (farsi is pretty low on my list).

Add to this a desire to learn japanese and I've got a bit of a conundrum. All I have at my disposal is japanese media/tv and whatever tragic language courses the local library have.

I realize this may be a bit of an impossible question, but do you have any tips on what I can do given the limitations of the situation?

Telsak4 karma

Good afternoon, Mr. Glenn and thank you for taking some time to answer questions!

Would you say it's reasonable to say that the more technologically advanced societies are entering a sort of decay (much like the foundation verse) where the actual skills of living are being replaced with just consumption of goods/entertainment and there is a distinct dislike for science and the pursuit of knowledge/wisdom.

What is your opinion on how far scientists should be able to push forward without getting caught up in a net of red tape all lined with "this might be dangerous so don't even pursue it" reasoning?

Have we stopped pursuing 'crazy' research simply because it is deemed 'impossible' by our current understanding of the laws of the universe? Should we?

Thank you again for your time :)