Highest Rated Comments

TenthSpeedWriter71 karma

That's... actually fairly clever. Horrible, but clever. I see now how the gum could be used in place of a spring; I wouldn't have thought to use a plastic material in that case.


TenthSpeedWriter7 karma

It's amazing the kind of innovation that really, really wanting to hurt someone will push people to.

TenthSpeedWriter4 karma


What kind of creative vibe would you say you were running on in Ultima II Massage?

It's one of the craziest aesthetics I've ever heard, and I'd love to know more about what you were shooting for.

TenthSpeedWriter2 karma

I don't suppose you served with anyone by the last name of Rhinehart, did you?

TenthSpeedWriter2 karma

Would it be safe to extrapolate that to "anything from Rock Band"?