Highest Rated Comments

TerminalVector432 karma

Actually I don't think so. As long as they don't discriminate against prospective employees because of race, color, sex, religion, creed, national origin, orientation etc. discrimination against the unattractive is completely legal.

TerminalVector384 karma

Really? Is this because there are "trustees" who are given specvial treatment in exchange for running things?

TerminalVector101 karma

taking the dollars back off the stage

Wouldn't that get you tossed the fuck out? Seems like standard strip club rules that you do not fuck with the girls' money.

TerminalVector27 karma

I've seen the same thing marketed for men, and I always assumed it was BS.

TerminalVector27 karma

Seems likely that she wouldn't want to get rid of her. She needed a dog that could do the job and maybe keeping a second dog simply wasn't practical. Good on you for giving her a good home.