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Thatsnotcoolbro6052 karma

I read your blog about your lawyer foster father. Do you still talk to him?

Thatsnotcoolbro6044 karma

Arnold is numero uno

Thatsnotcoolbro6012 karma

Well, my grandma and her mom’s side of the family are Chamorro (native people of Guam). Her dad is from Virginia (my great grandpa who was a POW in Japan). Like I said before, he had his finger shot off. He was also driving a military Jeep and the Japanese stopped him and started to bayonet him. His hands got all cut up because he put them out to protect himself. After being sent to Japan as a POW, my great grandpa caught malaria in Japan. Supposedly, there's a picture of him in the POW camp but I haven’t been able to find it.

My Grandpa (the Guadalcanal one) had a Marine in his unit or whatever but the guy would go around poking dead bodies with his knife and letting the air out and then the guy would eat with the same knife. One time, my grandpa and his buddies were walking along a river and they stopped to fill their canteens. They put tablets in to purify the water, drank, and then continued to walk upstream. When they got more upstream, they found a punch of dead Japs floating in the water. They then proceeded to puke and pour their water out.

My Grandma (on Guam) and her cousins used to go Japanese sniper hunting. They would have Thomson machine guns and go look for Japanese snipers in the coconut trees. They would bring the Japs back to the Marines. My grandma also saw her cousin get beheaded by the Japanese. They also forced my grandma to learn Japanese but that didn’t work out too well.

My Grandpa met my grandma after catching malaria and being sent to Guam. I wish I could’ve met my grandpa but he died of lung cancer 2 years before I was born. All I have to remember him is from stories such as these and a little Navy Corpsman magazine that tells when he enlisted, and what date he got shot along with his rank. My Grandma is getting older now but she knows a lot of family history. I try to email her and get as much history as I can before it’s too late. Thanks for reading.

Thatsnotcoolbro6010 karma

I wish I could've met my grandpa. He was a Navy Corpsman who enlisted a month after turning 17. He was sent to Guadalcanal and eventually got shot in the shin in 1944 and then ended up catching malaria. He was then sent to Guam where he met my grandma.

My great grandpa on my grandma's side moved to Guam after being in the military. When the Japanese invaded Guam, he was still in the military. A Japanese Zero shot his finger and he ripped it off. My Grandma's Aunt was bayoneted a few times in the abdomen but she survived. My great grandpa ended up being a POW in Japan until the war ended.

I have more stories if anyone would like to hear more

Thatsnotcoolbro6010 karma

If you're ever in Florida (specifically Tampa) check out the Tampa Bay Aquarium. My mom and dad took me there and we were able to scuba snorkel in the aquarium. We had scuba gear on with a life jacket so we couldn't dive down. And then about a 2 hour drive East would take you to Sea World where trey have penguins. There's also a 24 hour penguin cam on Sea World's website