Highest Rated Comments

TheBigHiff5 karma

Are you guys expecting to get any more money in the form of research grants with an experiment like this on your resume?

TheBigHiff3 karma

What is the MOST interesting place you have been?

TheBigHiff3 karma

Why are you so incredible?! I mean by 14 all I was doing was being disrespectful to my mom and complaining about algebra. Not surviving the worlds most dangerous diseases. I hope you realize how amazing you are. So real question time: how long did it last and were you aware of everything the whole time or does Ebola disorient you a lot? (I apologize if this is obvious as I do not know much about how Ebola works.)

TheBigHiff1 karma

Are you doing this because you know something about Fallout 4? Because if so I will love you both forever.

TheBigHiff1 karma

Why? Just why? Why did you have be part of the horror that is Anaconda?.....