Highest Rated Comments

TheDankestMofo467 karma

"But doctor, I AM Pagliacci!"

TheDankestMofo463 karma

First of all, your performance as Jesse in the Before films is one of the most natural ones I’ve ever seen, and while I probably won’t get a chance to see Midnight in theaters, these films showcase one of the most realistic depictions of love and relationships ever. So, thank you for that.

Can you talk about your experience so far with Boyhood, and what it’s like filming with the same actors over a period of years as opposed to weeks or months (especially when the lead is so young and developing personally and professionally)?

TheDankestMofo344 karma

Mike Teevee spittin' truths.

TheDankestMofo296 karma

It's mostly distance; as I understand, it's only a NY/LA release and while I live not far away in the Philadelphia area I probably will not have time to take the trip to see it. Nevertheless, I'm really psyched for both that and Boyhood;if I can't see them in theaters they'll definitely be blind buys on DVD. Thanks for doing this AMA!

Edit: It seems I was wrong, and that it will be getting a wider release (including Philly) this month. Thanks to everyone for the heads-up!

TheDankestMofo74 karma

You mean LA Confidential?