Highest Rated Comments

TheDuckKnightRises50 karma

I'm glad you are happy now.

TheDuckKnightRises8 karma

How is your computer science/game design course going? I am headed to uni in a few weeks. But I backed out from comp science in fears that I wasn't smart enough. I instead chose web design since I want to be in the design industry. Designing and coding websites sounds a lot more fun than the endless hours of coding in programming languages like C++ or the like.

Great cosplay. Is there anything you chose not cosplay because you didn't think you could do it justice?

TheDuckKnightRises3 karma

What was Canada like? Why did you leave?

I love Canada from what I have heard about it and plan to move there after university. That or Japan.


TheDuckKnightRises3 karma

I understand. Thanks.

I really like the east too. I dislike the religious countries such as Pakistan and those surrounding countries (it's okay since I am from Pakistan, living in the UK now). More asian like Chinese, Japanese or Korean are my type.

Everyone wants to travel the world, it is an amazing experience.

Good luck on any future endeavours.