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TheEsko8 karma

Two questions, please:

--- Of all the characters you have played, which one burrowed under your skin most deeply? Which one did you have the most trouble shaking off after filming was over?

--- I first saw you perform in a Bell Shakespeare production when I was a school kid and I really enjoyed it. It was a revelation to me that Shakespeare could be cool. So thanks for that! I’m keen to see you take on another major Shakespearean role. Do you have any desire or plans to do that? Thank you!

TheEsko3 karma

As a gifted screenwriter yourself, do you have any thoughts on the increasing use of ‘script evaluation systems’ in Hollywood to revise scripts based on performance algorithms and metrics with the aim of generating profits? (e.g., “Demons in horror movies can target people or be summoned. If it’s a targeting demon, you are likely to have much higher opening-weekend sales than if it’s summoned. So get rid of that Ouija Board scene.”) Do you consider this a useful business tool or a curb on creativity? Thank you!

TheEsko1 karma

I’m always struck in your interviews and scripts by your ability to explain complex ideas or processes through the use of spot-on analogies (‘Actors are like dogs bringing a stick back to the director;’ ‘Each actor is a different coloured piece of the puzzle in a film;’ ‘You’re like the guy in the band nobody likes;’ etc.) You have the instincts of a born educator. Have you ever taught any drama or screenwriting classes, and is that something that you think you would ever consider pursuing?

TheEsko1 karma

Does the ‘special’ Blue-Tongue word appear in “Felony” or is that mostly a Nash thing? Thanks!

TheEsko1 karma

I’m a big admirer of “The Square” but my friends and I have spent hundreds of hours (well, maybe a couple) arguing over what Billy and Lily’s relationship is. (I think they’re siblings.) As their creator, can you please settle it for us once and for all and tell us how you envisioned their back story? And how did Billy get those burn scars? Thanks!