Highest Rated Comments

TheNewJasonBourne251 karma

Hi Lindsey!

Does your schedule make it really difficult to find time to date men?

If not, can I pick you up at 8pm tonight?

TheNewJasonBourne124 karma

This to me is a very big seemingly-unexplored area of the story. It is not a surprise to me that 3 wealthy men wanted to purchase sex services, but what is striking to me is that these people with such wealth would patronize such affordable service providers. Guys with this kind of money don't pay $5 for a car wash or $99.95 on a suit.

When news broke of Eliot Spitzer getting busted with his pro, the news about the hourly rates she charged made sense to me. These are rich guys who wanted high-end services and they paid high-end prices which were partially based on paying for confidentiality. Same with Heidi Fleiss' operation.

So why wouldn't men who had the ability to pay for confidentiality choose a service provider that could better supply it? Even if Kraft et al just looked up some high-end escorts on the internet lists and took a random chance. That's a safer bet than a place in a strip mall. To me, there's gotta be more to the story from that angle.

BTW - I realize you're no longer taking questions, but just wanted to put this out there.

P.S. when I refer to the women who 'worked' at the spas in my comments, I am not making any judgements about whether they are victims of human trafficking or not.

TheNewJasonBourne67 karma

Maybe they're not intentionally malicious, but they sure appear to be negligently malicious.

TheNewJasonBourne29 karma

Same for me. I’ve witnessed some ridiculous and dangerous driving from amazon delivery drivers. I’ve begun posting my dash cam video on twitter with #amazondeliverydriver .

Amazon responds and asks me to fill out a form but who knows if they actually care or do anything.

TheNewJasonBourne26 karma

What was the experience(s) in your life that made your sexuality awaken?