Highest Rated Comments

TheOneTrueCripple25 karma

I've been trying to explain this to others for most of my adult life. You've done it in a few sentences. Bravo!

TheOneTrueCripple23 karma

As a disabled guy who struggled with talking to people in my youth, this makes me smile. Internet Hugs!!

TheOneTrueCripple11 karma

As a fellow paraplegic (since birth) & wheelchairian, I can tell you that this will never stop you.

You seem to have a good head on your shoulders, and a good attitude towards everything. Don't let things make you bitter. I made that mistake.

I saw that someone brought up racing chairs. Here's a couple of links for you:

Ninja Edit: If you ever feel the need, there are always people to chat with who have similar sitations. Drop me a message anytime.

You may also want to look into wheelchair basketball. It's fun and a great way to stay mobile.

TheOneTrueCripple3 karma

I'm extremely pleased that you're excited about trying the wheelchair. It's actually quite heartwarming to read that, as none of my significant others have ever wanted to, and some have outright refused.

You're a good man, and thank you for allowing me to keep some faith in people.

TheOneTrueCripple3 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA!

I am a paraplegic, and am married to an "able-bodied" woman. This has added different dynamics to our relationship that may be encountered in others. Therefore, I'd be interested to see what you have to say about the following:

  • Have you or your wife ever gone through any periods of depression as a result of the things that you need to do for her because she is just physically able?

  • How far have you gone to see things from your wife's perspective? Have you ever tried to do the things she does AS SHE does them post-injury?