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TheRealLina7 karma

I think all countries including the ones in the Middle East should open their borders to refugees who are fleeing war and terror. But more importantly world leaders must work to end wars and violence so that people can stop becoming refugees in the first place and so refugees can return home. That's what all refugees really want — to live in peace in their homes.

TheRealLina6 karma

I totally understand that feeling. And guess what? Every person who has become a refugee never confronted or had to be concerned with that reality either. That's something we should all really think hard about when we see refugee stories on the media. They are not another kind of people that we can't relate to, they are us. Nothing separates you or me from being a refugee except our passports — the sheer luck of where we were born. Another thing to remember about the Syrian refugee crisis in particular is this fact: 7 years ago there were ZERO Syrian refugees in the world. Today there are almost 6 million. Every one of them of them had homes, lives, communities, families, etc. Not one of them imagined they would become refugees, fleeing war, and unwanted across the world.

TheRealLina5 karma

I don't think providing more weapons is ever the path to peace and stability. We must stop the violence and protect civilians. There will only be peace when the violence stops.

TheRealLina4 karma

A nationwide ceasefire must be implemented to protect civilians and allow humanitarian aid agencies to delver aid and medical relief to the millions of suffering Syrians — especially right now in besieged Ghouta.

TheRealLina3 karma

I think the international community should work in the interests of the Syrian people to end the violence and destruction of the country, protect civilians, and bring the perpetrators to trial for their war crimes. They should also be part of rebuilding Syria for all Syrians. Most refugees want to return to their home and live in peace and dignity.