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TheSleepsAreAMod25 karma

It’s apparently something so sinister it gets you a downvote just for asking what it is. This link explains it, basically. Since about 70% of Vuvuzela’s economy is privately owned, it’s not really socialist.

Edit: nvm, I think you know what it is given your history.

TheSleepsAreAMod4 karma

Hmm. I don’t understand how that could be. From this publication from the Center for Economic and Policy Research it seems the economy grew fairly steadily while Chavez was in office, only dipping tremendously when the oil industry called for strikes to protest his administration. Of course, around that time there was also a coup in which he was kidnapped. It also wasn’t fully socialist that whole time, including 2008.

TheSleepsAreAMod4 karma

This video has actual citizens giving their input as well. Also, you don’t have to listen to me, you can click the publication link or do your own research. Better idea.

Edit: I did.

TheSleepsAreAMod-2 karma

I think this video has a take on the situation in Venezuela not often expressed in the media. It says that the people actually protesting the government are middle/upper class citizens and certain capitalist heads of industry. It also mentions citizens receiving regular shipments of food and several programs implemented to help those in need. If OP is indeed from a formerly middle class area, it seems reasonable to assume they were swayed by the propaganda spread by the rich after they began hoarding certain foods and products in warehouses then proceeded to sell some of them in the black market for higher prices.

To OP: ¿Tu y tu familia no reciben la comida que otros ciudadanos reciben de tu gobierno? ¿Tienes el mismo resentimento contra las empresas vendiendo comida y otros productos en el mercado negro que contra el gobierno? ¿Has hablado con alguien que vive en esos “barrios” para conocer la situación en la que viven? ¿Que porcentaje de la gente Venezolana esta de acuerdo con lo que el gobierno trata de hacer para mejorar la situación?

Edit : translating questions for English speakers: Do you and your family not receive the food packages other citizens receive from the government?

Do you hold the same resentment against the businesses selling foods and other products in the black market as you do against the government?

Have you yourself spoken to someone from these “barrios” to find out what their living situation is like?

What percentage of the population agrees with what the government is trying to do up improve the situation?