Highest Rated Comments

TheSmokeDawg2082 karma

Hey Tracy!
You are amazing.
I have but one humble request.
Please name my kittens.
If you need to see their fighting styles, a .gif is included at the bottom.
Kitten 1
Kitten 2
Battle Prowess

TheSmokeDawg1377 karma

Thanks, Meatcat.

TheSmokeDawg169 karma

http://www.alleycat.org/ I believe is the link!

TheSmokeDawg94 karma

Hey, Aziz. Want to go to a wedding in September where you would know absolutely nobody and like 2/5ths of the people there would be like "Aw shit! Thats 'Aziz' or 'That indian guy from Parks and Rec' and you would probably be uncomfortable but get free food?

TheSmokeDawg85 karma

I have but one humble request...
Please name my kitten

Edit: male kitten. (current name spec: DarkPaw)