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TheTruthYouHate118 karma

Egypt....... Heavily influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood.

I take it you're not much of a current events follower.

TheTruthYouHate112 karma

I was in the Army for a quick stretch way back in my glory days (see: like 6-7 years ago), but my job allowed for me to be whored out to any-and-everybody within the coalition hemisphere. One such occasion was a couple of weeks with a unit from the 3rd LAR.

I say all of that as background for my actual question, which concerns the story of a USMC Staff Sergeant who also participated in the initial invasion campaign. He said that you guys had to wear full MOPP gear for weeks at a time, which sounds utterly cruel & unusual - did you experience the same conditions? If so, (without violating OPSEC, of course) what kinds of threats were you guys hearing about up to, and within the beginning stages of the invasion?

TheTruthYouHate18 karma

Fucking christ, that sounds horrible. I've heard stories of trenchfoot like that, but I always assumed tit was just standard "no shit, there I was" hyperbole.

Movements during the invasion are almost entirely within the realm of public-record now, so I don't think this question carries any inherent OPSEC risks, but what was your timeline like from SP in Kuwait up until the point you guys crossed the boundary in to Baghdad proper? (which if I remember correctly, was the release point for the main body of the Marine invasion force)

I feel like all of the units and branches involved take a healthy serving of creative license in their respective accounts, and I've never had the chance to hear a firsthand account from the Marine Corp's perspective.

forgive me I forget the levels these days

The only one I remember is MOPP 1/4th (pro-mask, tan t-shirt, combat boots w/ one green sock, empty rucksack, MOPP gloves, and absolutely nothing else) because I invented it while I was in basic training.

TheTruthYouHate13 karma

He can derelict my balls any time, no homo.

TheTruthYouHate11 karma

I concur, the interstellar time-divarication continuum is subjugated under the vertices of solar innovation and the notionalization of advanced space concepts.

If it weren't for all this damned iridescent dissimilitude we'd probably have a flux capacitor by now.

TL;DR Ron Paul.