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TheWanton123223 karma

What does the future look like for office drug testing in the states where it has been legalized? Can people looking to get a job still be penalized for using a recreational and legal substance?

TheWanton123138 karma

Hi Kai. Big fan of marketplace. I listen to it every night on my drive home. I really liked your interview with Jamie Dimon. I found it insightful, but I remain highly skeptical about a lot of what he said. You brought up the problem of income inequality, and Jamie recognized it as a serious issue that they've researched, but didn't go into any details as how to fix it. He didn't seem overly concerned about it. I consider income inequality to be a much bigger problem than the CEO Of JPMorgan seems to think it is. So my question is, Do you think income inequality is the biggest problem in the economy right now, or are there more pressing issues? Is it too simple to think on only one symptom of the current economy as the biggest problem? But even so, how do we go about closing the wealth gap, so that we can make the economy work more for everyone? Thanks so much for doing this AMA.

TheWanton12311 karma

it's popular to shit on Trump right now, and popularity == ratings.

The reason ratings are high, and we are shitting on Trump, isn't because he's a bad president, it's because he's a CORRUPT president. It's not shocking that people are paying attention and upset about a guy that would have been impeached already if any of the checks and balances in our system were working properly. We let a guy with undisclosed finances and blatant conflicts of interest get into the white house when it shouldn't even be possible for that to happen.

TheWanton1233 karma

Absolutely agree. Trump isn't the problem, its the broken system that got him here. All we can hope from this mess is that strong laws will be enacted to prevent this kind of thing in the future.

TheWanton1232 karma

Sorry, I should have qualified that statement with my intent. your right, I don't think this system will fix itself and I don't think we can be complicit. What I mean was that by getting involved and electing people that will run on the promise of reforming government to eliminate corruption. We have to be actively involved in fixing the problem, but laws need to be passed to fix it.