Highest Rated Comments

The_Asian_Hamster328 karma

whats your favourite movie, (that youve not been in) and whats been youre favourite to film

The_Asian_Hamster7 karma

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh ELIJAH WOOD just talked to me!!!!!!!! Edit - Digitally of course but i can hear his Hobbity voice in my head I will cherish this moment forver, i would like to thank me mam for birthing me, Sky for providing the internets and Elijah wood for taking his time out to do this

The_Asian_Hamster3 karma

What has been your favorite role to play so far, (my personal fave is obviously Ron burgundy)

The_Asian_Hamster3 karma

Hi Daniel, im going to ask you the exact same question I asked your twin, Elijah Wood :P, “Whats your favourite movie, (that you’ve not been in) and what’s been your favourite to film?” I have a feeling I know the answer to the second question :P

The_Asian_Hamster2 karma

Hey Mr Favreau

Will you be directing any other of the Marvel movies, and will you be cameoing in Avengers:AOU