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The_Shape_Shifter7 karma

Essentially I agree with you, but then how can he be expected to comply with a court order if he does not know where she is. He could "accidentally" move into the apartment next door to her and claim he did not know she lived there.

The_Shape_Shifter4 karma

I agree dealers are also a big part of the problem. From my experience, they actively promote their poisons and make very little/no effort to inform one of the dangers or to help one quit. I've known dealers to give discounts/freebies for bringing in new customers. You're right to blame yourself. You've fucked up many people's lives.

Having said that though, it serves little or no purpose to beat yourself up over it. We all do stupid shit, some worse than others. The most important thing is that you have realised your mistakes and made a change. We could never become better people without making mistakes. So congrats on the positive learning curve.

The_Shape_Shifter3 karma

That sounds like such a stupid system, although I can see the reason for it. They should just tell him that you are in one of 10 possible locations, all of which he may not come within 50 miles of.

The_Shape_Shifter3 karma

A DUI for riding a wheelchair under the influence? That is ridiculous!

The_Shape_Shifter1 karma

Fair comment and thanks for sharing. It was unclear to me whether you realised that your actions were harmful or whether you felt you are the victim. It seems to be a little of both, which I suppose is how life is.

It's great that you are helping your family out and have also helped other people on to a positive path. Obviously it goes without saying that it is also good that you no longer commit crime.

I just wanted to add that I think that the drug dealers and users you refer to are also victims. Not in the innocent sense, but victims none-the-less. More often than not it is a culmination of many unfortunate events that lead one on to such destructive paths. Yes, it remains a choice, but having said that, I don't think many (if any?) drug dealers and users set out in life to become that.

You have been through the mill. You know the full extent of the consequences of such actions. You could perhaps be a strong beacon of hope to exactly those sorts of people, and perhaps in saving them from the life you chose you will find your own peace.