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Thedoctorjedi12 karma

Todd, just want to say thank you for spawn. One of my favorite. Also I got a legendary halo statue from halo reach, it said your studio hand painted them. I have no. 5 of 2010 made. Did you paint any of them? Or were they all hired help. I have a spawn action figure also, meticulously painted... Just want to say nice job on releasing quality. Wish you could autograph the halo statue...

Thedoctorjedi3 karma

Hey Dr. Gupta, I used to see you on the medical channel all the time in the hospital on the air force base, I was diagnosed with cancer melanoma 3b, was sent to Emory, where they saved my life. I know how Emory stays on the edge of technology and I was wondering, with the ebola patients, do you feel that through care and observation the doctors of Emory will find a way to prevent ebola or is ebola like hiv? (I'm no doctor and know nothing about diseases and viruses.)

Thedoctorjedi1 karma

What is your most popular beer and whiskey for native irish?

Thedoctorjedi1 karma

Alec, love your acting career. Watched mostly all of it. Anyway this question is about one of your first lines in 30 Rock....what were you talking about,"it's only 5 inches but it's thick." and also do you watch downton abbey like your counterpart did? Thanks and have a nice day!

Thedoctorjedi1 karma

I can't either when I look at the power bill every month :)