Highest Rated Comments

ThetaAlcyoneus3 karma

Greetings, Dr. Salinas. Thank you for offering this AMA! Have you (or other mirror touch synesthetes) been analyzed via PET or fMRI scans? What is known about the neurophysiology of this kind of synesthesia?

ThetaAlcyoneus3 karma

Does the physical touch sensation occur even in response to things happening within your field of view but outside your immediate focus of attention? (So that you feel something on your body and then have to look around to see what the cause was.)

ThetaAlcyoneus3 karma

That sounds similar to what people sometimes subjectively experience with some psychoactive drugs (entheogens) -- that the self/other distinction diminishes or disappears. Do you think mirror touch synesthesia is related to that effect neurologically, or do you see them as different phenomena?

ThetaAlcyoneus2 karma

why my situation is so unique

So Amanda's experience is more the rule, and yours is the exception among people with this cond trait?

It's so great that you're open and are actively sharing your experiences, strategies, and philosophy -- not only are they fascinating and instructive for the other 98.4% of us, but they can benefit those who have the trait and are struggling to cope or who just want to better integrate it into their lives as a positive thing.

ThetaAlcyoneus2 karma

Wow! Really fascinating.
I'm glad the tumor was benign!