Highest Rated Comments

ThiefMaster45 karma

I see your 80M LNGS speed and raise my 400M CERN speed.


ThiefMaster27 karma

Do you have a self-destruction device down there (for the bunker/missiles down there, not an already-launched one)? Would you refuse to do you job when asked to launch on e.g. Germany, UK or Canada (or pretty much any other civilized country)?

If you could and have to launch a single nuke on some target of your choice (that is not the ocean or some desert) while knowing for sure that there would be no repercurssions such as WW3 - what would you hit?

ThiefMaster11 karma

Any plastic surgery? If yes, who paid it and why did you do that crap (which IMHO doesn't make someone prettier at all)?

ThiefMaster6 karma

Shouldn't you rather keep the keys private instead of the crypto code itself? As a computer science guy security by obscurity makes me shudder..

ThiefMaster4 karma

Not a question, but congrats to reaching 1.5M!