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ThisWontEndGood12 karma

My journey started in the shipyard doing electrical work for a year. The shipyard will break you and make you a better man. Then I got an offer from Big Red. Just that name on your resume throws enough weight to get you a phone call before they finish reading your application. They payed for 2 weeks of safety training before I even hired on so I had all of that in order then stayed a while for "oilfield" experience. Then I applied to about 15 different boat companies. I got a call at lunch time the next day then was on a boat by 12 that night. More emails came but first come first serve. Keep applying, there are about 30 majorish players in the gulf, someone will give you a shot. Private message me for my top 5 you should try if interested. Thanks!

ThisWontEndGood11 karma

Because fuck Halliburton. Half of those people are there to collect a check and don't want to be bothered with working. I love balls to wall get it done jobs but it's all about your crew. The room for advancement comes with time (and who you suck up to). I personally like a set schedule offshore, not just when there is a job to go on. I can't deal with everyday life so this is the place for me.

ThisWontEndGood9 karma

You maintain everything from main deck to the pilot house. Cleaning wise, inventory, cooking if you have time. You are also going to be pumping water and fuel to platforms, moving personnel, lifts, and any other equipment our field might need. You also relieve the captain if he needs a break, start the engines, and do whatever is possible to keep the boat going if there is a problem. Washing the boat and painting will occupy some of your time depending on how much you want to do. We are lucky to have direct TV and Internet which a lot of boats don't have. Along with a dp system, dynamic position, which can hold the boat in place. We only go into port once or twice every 2 week period to refuel, load up on water, and crew change.

ThisWontEndGood9 karma

Apply. So many people don't even apply. Google boat companies in Gulf of Mexico. Submit resumes until your fingers fall off. If you haven't applied to 30 companies, you aren't trying. Make your maritime experience and hard labor stand out and wait. Research licenses you can get with the cost card from there. At least have your twic card first then start applying, crew boats, supply boats, anything! Goodluck

ThisWontEndGood8 karma

We moved a pair of crocs from one rig to another. I was speechless. Crocs. Crocs. Crocs. What in the hell