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Thornypotato1268 karma

Where do the bodies come from and where do they go after they are autopsied?

Thornypotato217 karma

Hi Carlos! My fiance and I enjoy kinky sex, but sometimes I'm in the mood for certain things and sometimes I'm not. For example, sometimes I want to be slapped during sex and other times I don't like it if he slaps me, just depending on my mood. What is a good way to signal to him when I'm ready for this kind of sex and when I'm not?

Thornypotato86 karma

Hey man! Check out binders :) duct tape can damage your rib cage. Binders gently compress the chest to eliminate the appearance of breasts, so you could probably be able to wear a t shirt in it! Just something to check out on your way to surgery :)

Thornypotato5 karma

My parents adopted internationally and paid upwards of $25,000 for my brother. Obviously this would have probably been cheaper to adopt from the US but there are years-long waiting lists for babies and they were already in their 40's. So IVF is actually cheaper or comparable to adoption.

Thornypotato2 karma

Hey, I have POTS and I'd say the best thing you can do is go see a cardiologist. There are tests that they can perform that involve measuring your heartbeat and blood pressure when you're laying down, sitting, and standing up in order to diagnose. If you do not have a consistently high heart rate, as I see in your follow up post, it may not be POTS but a different kind of tachycardia. My POTS is treated with 25mg atenolol once a day, but I'm very lucky as most people with POTS do not respond to medication. Currently I am off my meds temporarily as I am pregnant, and it's reminding me why I went on them to begin with - standing even just to cook or shower makes me black out, walking up or down stairs or any sort of distance is a big no, and my POTS episodes trigger my migraines which is a pain in the ass. It can be very debilitating and I'd definitely encourage you to seek help from a cardiologist.

Edit: to add to the person underneath me, I also used to take a salt tablet every day (before I got pregnant) which dissolved in warm water and really helped. For an awful episode I was told to drink cold water or take a cold bath. I generally try to take baths instead of showers nowadays because I just cannot stand for that long without passing out.