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Tic-Tac_Lang10 karma

The main argument against the protests now is the fact that CE Carrie Lam has come out to say the ‘bill is dead’, meaning that those who are protesting now don’t have much legitimacy as their original demand has been met.

The fact that there is property being damaged or destroyed is a major argument against the protestors who have been mainly non violent for the past couple of months. The disruption which things like sit ins have caused the city’s mass transit and public spaces, which could then lead to economic disruption and recession; Hong Kong’s tourism numbers, for example have dropped massively this summer when compared to others.

Violence against the police in the form of Molotov cocktails and improvised weapons is also an argument being used and is probably the main reason that the government is defining them as ‘rioters’.

That’s all off the top of my head just now, I’ll edit this post if any more come to me!

Tic-Tac_Lang9 karma

Which videos are you talking about? I’ve seen differing viewpoints and representations.

EDIT: if you could provide me with a link that would be lovely :)

Tic-Tac_Lang9 karma

Pulled directly from r/HongKong!

HOWEVER, having seen that you are against Communist oppression I believe the main way you can help is to raise awareness of the history behind the CCP. Atrocities like the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, the Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989, etc. it’s ridiculous how very few know about these things.

GENERAL - anyone can sign the petitions below (no citizenship pre-requisite)

1.1 Write to Carrie Lam urging her to IMMEDIATELY WITHDRAW the extradition bill (Amnesty International) https://www.amnesty.org/en/get-involved/take-action/stop-the-hong-kong-extradition-bill/

1.2 Petition United Nations to Condemn Hong Kong Police for Excessive Use of Force and Call for an Independent Inquiry [Petition United Nation]

1.3 Request International Court of Justice to Investigate Excessive Force of Hong Kong Police [Petition International Court of Justice]

1.4 Cancel or postpone your trip to Hong Kong until the HK government meets all 5 Main Demands of the protesters. Do not give your money to Carrie Lam's government.

1.5 Support RTHK (Radio Television Hong Kong) editorial independence [Petition for Editorial Independence]

1.6 Join #Eye4HK Campaign https://twitter.com/Eye4HK

1.7 Revoke Carrie Lam's Legion of Honor Award (France) [Petition Grand Master of the Legion]

1.8 Setup Lennon Wall (Post-it/Memo stickers) in your community

1.9 Join and support your local #StandwithHongKong rallies.

1.10 Petition Amnesty for July 1st Legco Building Protesters [Petition Amnesty for Legco Protesters]

1.11 Reject Andy Tsang's Nomination to United Nations (former Police Chef of Hong Kong, Dateline Aug 27th) https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/we-demand-rejection-andy-tsangs-nomination-united-nations-positions

1.12 Raise awareness of the Hong Kong protest. Spread the word to your friends, family, schoolmates, church, etc...

1.13 Subscribe, Like, Thumbsup, Follow, Share Pro-Democracy Hong Kong Social Media or Channels

1.14 Make Meme, Posters, Videos, Drawings, Sing a Song to express your solidarity with Hong Kongers

1.15 Expel the Chinese Consul General in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia [Dear Australian Prime Minister]

1.16 Reporting HKPF to the International Police Association (IPA) for breach of professional code of conduct and excessive use of force [Petition International Police Association]

1.17 Impose Global Magnitsky Act sanctions against Chinese officials [Petition Global Magnitsky Act]

1.18 Serena Lee's petition to address the violation of human rights in Hong Kong (She was assaulted on campus by Pro- Chinese Communist students in Auckland, New Zealand [Stand with Serena Lee] (dateline: Sept 15th)


2.1 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund (Legal Aid) https://www.facebook.com/612Fund/posts/379578696075634

2.2 Hong Kong Free Press (Not-for-Profit News) https://www.hongkongfp.com/support-hkfp/

2.3 The Stand News (Not-for-Profit News, in Cantonese) https://mystand.thestandnews.com

2.4 Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (Independent Research) https://www.pori.hk/donation

2.5 HK Protect https://hkprotect.org/shop/保護裝備/捐贈裝備送給前線/ Help supply protective gears to HK protesters ( Due to tighten import restrictions, there's currently two months of backlog)


3.1 Write to US Congress (Senators and Representatives)



3.2 Ask Your US Representatives to Co-Sponsor Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019


3.3 Call your representative https://www.callmycongress.com and tell them you are very concerned about the situation in Hong Kong, the excessive amounts tear gas used, some of which are expired, releases dangerous levels of hydrogen cyanide that could literally kill a person, which qualifies as chemical weapons, a flagrant violation of international law. Please support the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act 2019 by passing the [House Bill H.R. 3289] / [Senate Bill S.1838] and review/revoke the United States - Hong Kong Policy Act 1992. It's in the interest of leaders who value democracy, international laws, human rights, to stand up for those who don't have the same freedoms we have. Thank you.


4.1 Write to your Members of Parliament (UK)


4.2 Petition UK to Uphold the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration


4.3 Petition UK to give full British Citizenship to British National Overseas (BNO) passport holders


4.4 Petition Liz Truss from Department of International Trade and Dominic Raab from Foreign and Commonwealth Office to Stand up for Human Rights in Hong Kong



5.1 Write to your Members of Parliament (CAN)


5.2 Sign petition e-2268 sponsored by MP Michael Chong (dateline: Sept 11th)



6.1 Write to your Senators and Members of Parliament (AUS)



7.1 Write to your Members of Parliament (NZ)



8.1 Write to Your Members of European Parliament (EU)



9.1 Considering you are reading this on reddit, that means you already know how to use VPN. My suggestion is for you to speak out but be anonymous. Let other Chinese, Hong Kong people, the world knows that there are Chinese or Mainland Chinese who do supports the Hong Kong protest.


100k+ signatories : Petition White House to nominate Hong Kong Protesters for Nobel Peace Prize 2020

100k+ signatories : Petition White House to suspend crowd control equipment exports to Hong Kong

100k+ signatories : Petition White House to pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act

HKD 3m+ raised for Hong Kong Journalist Association Protection Fund

Tic-Tac_Lang7 karma

Earlier this year, Chief Executive (essentially the mayor of Hong Kong) Carrie Lam proposed an extradition bill which would enable local authorities to arrest, detain and extradite people who are wanted in regions the SAR currently do not have extradition treaties with, the main one of which is mainland China. The casus belli for this was regarding a murder case which took place in Taiwan. However, many Hong Kongers view this as a serious threat to Hong Kong’s autonomy and the start of a path down autocratic communism which would allow people to be extradited to the mainland for perceived slights where the legal system is terribly corrupt.

What started off as peaceful marches and protests turned violent once the police started using tear gas and rubber bullets against protestors who were using tactics reminiscent of the 2014 Umbrella Revolution; organizing sit ins on major roads, marching etc. Now, there is a list of five demands which is being touted by protestors which the government is refusing to not only agree to but even acknowledge.

  1. Full withdrawal of the proposed extradition bill. Lam has earlier suspended the bill and declared it ‘dead’, but a mere suspension could mean another push to pass it once the current storm is over.

  2. An independent enquiry into police brutality or alleged excessive violence and collaboration with triad (gangs) groups around the city. There are allegations that the police cooperated with triad groups to attack protestors. I won’t go into detail here, but here’s a good read: https://www.hongkongfp.com/2019/07/22/hong-kong-police-made-no-arrests-mob-assaulted-commuters-protesters-journalists-yuen-long/

  3. Retraction of the ‘rioter’ definition and classification of the protestors, a crime which carries a potentially hefty jail sentence.

  4. Amnesty for those who have been arrested - around 750 since the start of the protests.

  5. Universal suffrage for both the Legislative Council and the Chief Executive. At the moment, only half the seats in Legco - the body which makes the city's laws - are directly elected by voters. The Chief Executive is elected by a 1,200-member commitee considered to be mainly controlled by Beijing. This is also a goal which was slated in Basic Law, which details the region’s relations with China and rights of citizens.

Hope I’ve been able to answer your question! Anything you’re unclear on feel free to ask away :)

Tic-Tac_Lang6 karma

Their demands haven’t been met just yet; the extradition bill has been suspended, not withdrawn. Nor has the government responded directly to any of them!

I do think however that the protests have fundamentally changed since June. The fact that there is now violence being used by protestors and what started as an anti-extradition bill protest has expanded into more demands shows that.

And don’t worry! Happy to answer any more :)