Highest Rated Comments

TigerB65259 karma

Hi there! I have to say that I really enjoyed your performance on the Muppet Show back around 1980! I know it's a while back, but did you enjoy working with the Muppets? Was it hard to treat them as "actors" when they weren't real people?

TigerB659 karma

Hi Bill, huge fan... except for ONE THING. That horrible Ice Cream Bunny laugh? It puts me right on the floor in PAIN, I laugh so hard at it. My husband does a very good imitation of that hurr, hurr, hurr as well, so he'll occasionally spring it on me. My question is: how on earth do you all come up with these rightly-obscure films? Was Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny lurking in a "please destroy" bin somewhere?

TigerB658 karma

Charlaine, I am a huge fan of yours, from Shakespeare to Harper Connolly to Sookie and her universe. Thank you for hours of reading pleasure. I am curious to know why so many of your heroines have sexual assault or abuse in their backgrounds. Is it part of creating their internal struggles, or are you raising awareness of sexual violence through your work? I look forward to Midnight Crossroad. Thanks again.

TigerB652 karma

Alstromeria are my favorite in a bouquet! They keep it going for so long!

TigerB652 karma

Kari, what tool/gadget/supply do you never leave home without?