Highest Rated Comments

Tim_Canova476 karma

We need to stop subsidizing Big Agribusinesses, factory farms, and Big Sugar, all sources of major agricultural runoff pollution into our water ways. The Red Tide in the Gulf of Mexico is fed by runoff into the Mississippi River. The blue green toxic algae with cynobacteria is fed by runoff into Lake Okeechobee. Time to end billions of dollars in these subsidies. Instead, let's subsidize small family owned farms that are organic. In addition, I would introduce legislation to have the Interior Department buy out the sugar farms south of Lake Okeechobee and convert them back into Everglades marshland to allow the Lake to drain naturally and recharge the aquifers. Wasserman Schultz takes hundreds of thousands of dollars from industrial and agricultural polluters, including Big Sugar, and she votes for these subsidies on the House Appropriations Committee. She's never introduced any legislation to address these issues.

Tim_Canova263 karma

Yes, I support HR 676, the Medicare For All legislation in the House, I've supported this bill since it was introduced, and I've support universal single-payer healthcare for decades.

Tim_Canova249 karma

We have been subject to a mainstream media blackout and social media throttling and shadow banning (that's one big reason we need Net Neutrality, to prevent social media giants from acting as Big Brother in censoring our speech). Perhaps that would have happened anyway, but it seems that running as an independent and questioning the outcome of my last election are like third rails.

Tim_Canova174 karma

In 2016, I supported Amendment 2, the Medical Marijuana Amendment. I support Miami-Dade and Broward County decriminalization, giving police discretion to issue civil summons for first three personal use offenses. I believe state voters should approve legalization for Cannabis for responsible adult use.

Tim_Canova126 karma

U.S. economic history and Modern Money Theory suggests there should be no problem paying for such programs by federal borrowing. As a law professor, I have studied and written about the 1941-1951 pegged period, which shows that the Federal Reserve can simply buy up Treasury securities in any amount to keep the yield low (to keep Treasury borrowing costs manageable). We should raise a Robin Hood financial transactions tax (something I've supported for many years, it used to be called a Tobin Tax), and raise the progressivity on federal income tax. We also need a national infrastructure bank that's funded in part by the Federal Reserve. We had such a bank, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, from 1928-1957 and it helped build much of our infrastructure. the US is one of the only advanced countries without such a national infrastructure bank today.