Highest Rated Comments

TimboToonz12 karma

E, F, Gflat AND G in the same Dflat chord? That's some Thelonious Level dissonance there... ! :-)

TimboToonz5 karma

Just remembered the question I REALLY meant to ask... You've said you use the Line 6 'Pod' for your guitar sounds on many recent albums. Any chance you'd make your presets available online sometime? Just curious... And desperate...

TimboToonz4 karma

Wunnerful - thanks! I tried searching 'XTC' on the Line6 site, and all you get are lots of silly heavy metal presets for their XTC-Bogner amp... (I'm also gonna try mic'ing the strings, as you mention in the Complicated Game book).

TimboToonz3 karma

Amazing tune. It came on the stereo today in 'shuffle' mode, and my 14 yr. old daughter immediately looked up and said 'Who's that???" Kid's got good taste.

TimboToonz3 karma

My role models for lyric writing are you, Lennon, Tom Waits, Zappa and Joni Mitchell. Who are your lyric writing heroes/influences?