Highest Rated Comments

TimeMachineToaster893 karma

How are the food supplies being handled? Is there enough for an even longer extended stay, is it rationing or are deliveries to the ship being made/ planning to be made?

TimeMachineToaster173 karma

Hi Bill!

If it was an option, would you be willing to debate climate change with a denier the way you did with Ken Hamm and evolution? (which by the way you handled wonderfully). I can't help but think you'd change a few minds.

TimeMachineToaster35 karma

How do you stay current on new threats/viruses?

TimeMachineToaster35 karma

Interesting, thank you!

TimeMachineToaster13 karma

Hey Nick! I watched the outtakes of Parks and Rec of you (and the rest of the actors) dying laughing at Chris Pratts Kim Kardashian "Comeback" joke.

Was there a lot of spontaneous stuff like that during the filming?

Edit: clip for reference
