Highest Rated Comments

TryAnotherUsername1349 karma

Streisand Effect at its finest :)

TryAnotherUsername1326 karma

Where did you get the know-how of rewiring the engine? Did you just figure it out on the spot?

I’d guess it was just the cable from the alternator to the battery. Even if more complex wiring is involved you could probably figure out where the burned parts were connected.

TryAnotherUsername1317 karma

What? No. Static charge can reach several kV and would probably destroy an unprotected LED. The ESD protection would quickly (somewhere in the μs range) drop the voltage and what’s left would never be enough to power even a weak LED for more than a ms.

TryAnotherUsername1316 karma

That’s normal for untrained people :D (and also normal for trained people if the pace is fast enough)

TryAnotherUsername138 karma

Why can’t they preserve the nipples? And C is still pretty big, why not smaller? Better for running, lying on the stomach and so on (I’ve been told, I’m male :D ).