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Trytosurvive27 karma

Have you had sex or a had a romantic partner? If no sex would you go to a prostitute? Are you actively looking for a partner or can you be happy with your own company?

Trytosurvive7 karma

Can you shave? Can you improve muscle strength if you did weights? Will you eventually have to get an invasive breathing tube? What would your ideal romantic partner be like? And hope all goes well brother - lots of people in reddit are emotionally stronger than I ever will be!

Trytosurvive6 karma

Your dog walker is special- I have walked this earth for 30 more years and counting because of a transplant. You should give your dog walker a hug .. if people want to bring attention to transplants and do AMA or give the gift in the darkness both are heroes to me and are special. I have a friend who donates blood regularly and I piss her off thanking her each time - if you have ever been in a kids ward you would hug donors every friggen time as they save lives and make life that much easier.

Trytosurvive3 karma

Thank you - your words have shone some ease on a hard day. Sometimes the news, pressure and struggles of life make me forget there are genuine people out there. From across the seas looking into a star filled night a person I shall never meet has made me sleep with sweeter dreams. And soon another will wake with your kidney and begin a new life... cheers to you, you weird girl...

Trytosurvive3 karma

as A recipient I sometimes feel that I’m letting the donor down - that I’m just living a ordinary life and not doing anything amazing... to be honest I always thought that a living donor To a stranger had some sort of screw loose - I suppose because I cherish my kidney and had renal issues all my life to give a kidney away seems like madness to me. I really wish I could have lunch with you to see if your normal... you seem normal... I must be the weird one with life baggage. In any case anyone who saves a person from dialysis is amazing and I really hope karma pays you back 💖 to all those living and deceased that donated, you will never truly understand the depth of our gratitude and love