Highest Rated Comments

USAF_DTom5 karma

Military here. Love them.

USAF_DTom4 karma

I work Intel for the AF here in Hawaii. We directly supply intel in the Middle East.

Question: What is the general consensus of Comm/Intel guys by infantry? Is it a love/hate relationship, because we help, but not directly? Just hate? Just love?

P.S. Thanks for serving

USAF_DTom2 karma

Haha don't thank me, I signed up to do it :D

Hope to see you on the front page again waving your millions around lol

USAF_DTom2 karma

Hello I am an American who's only sport is soccer/football. I'm liking your team better than ours this year lol. Son really looks to be a top young player, not just in Germany with Bayer, but in the world. Good luck you you in the World Cup.

USAF_DTom1 karma

Definitely pursue it! I do it for the military and it is a blast! Couldn't ask for a better job