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Uberslaughter8 karma

Approximately how much?

Uberslaughter5 karma

Huge fan, loved How I Got Over and still remember hearing The Next Movement in middle school, which got me into hip hop.

What was your inspiration for your verse on Walk Alone (probably my favorite song on the album) and what's it like working with Black Thought?

Uberslaughter5 karma

Which places have the best/worst foods. Any particularly memorable dining experiences?

Uberslaughter3 karma

To further clarify, there are two "parts" of ATC- The tower, or what you see at the airport that gives clearance to land/takeoff and the center, which is a huge radar facility, of which there are a few around the country, that you are "passed off" too once you're out of the airport's airspace.

Uberslaughter2 karma

Interesting. The boorish American in me assumed "Chambre de bonne" was something along the lines of "boning chamber".