Highest Rated Comments

UglyMuffins1242 karma

Try to picture the President getting his plate renewed at the DMV.

UglyMuffins294 karma

If you had someone to narrate The Life of David Attenborough, who would you want?

UglyMuffins98 karma

unlike the r/baseball Curt Schilling AMA where all non-baseball questions related to his political and twitter rants were removed by mods...

UglyMuffins9 karma

This doesn't seem like a fair representation of how basic income would work in the real world.

For one, the money doesn't come from donations but from the government who distributes money from taxes.

Do the recipients even know that this 'free money' is coming from donations rather than from the government? I reckon their spending usage would differ based on how they know where it came from.

UglyMuffins9 karma


A few questions:

  • How does trade dialogue usually go? If possible can you give an example? (Let's say the Prince/Kinsler trade)

For example, do you approach a team and tell them that we want X player, and we are willing to give up Y player? Or does the other team hand you back a list of players they are interested in.

I've always been interested in the trade dialogue but we never really hear about it (other than the leaked Houston Astros database thing a few months ago)

  • How do you approach drafts? Draft best possible player, or based on suspected need in a few years?

  • Do you think the difference between college/HS players isn't so important as it was years ago? We often hear about how college players are a lot safer but there still have been quite a few busts.