Highest Rated Comments

UltimateOreo2 karma

Does Sodexo cater your prison?

UltimateOreo2 karma

You're based out of YOLO county? Goddamnit it never ends

UltimateOreo1 karma

I can do this on command. Is it bad for my eyes?

UltimateOreo1 karma

You know this comment just gave me an interesting thought. Say the zombies did jump into the sea. If it is in fact a viral or bacterial or whatever zombie invasion, then it is very possible that any creature they bite would turn into a zombie. Although, would it work in retrospect? If a sea predator, say a shark, bit a zombie, I think they would be infected too. Wouldn't that be some shit, a zombie shark?

UltimateOreo1 karma

I'm 20 years old and can't see myself settling into a desk job and I have been looking at OTR driving. I know I can't get into the industry until I'm at least 21, but would you recommend someone so young getting into the business or looking at other careers? Also, overall job and life satisfaction, are you happy with what you do and does the job give you time to live a normal, satisfying life?