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Unkn0wn7777777110 karma

Also I have to mention civil forfeiture is probably the number one reason I refuse to cooperate with any cops. Honestly it is not in anyone's best interest to allow any kind of searches or even speak with the police. They can literally take any of your property at any time.

Unkn0wn777777718 karma

I personally grew up in a poor neighborhood and would regularly be harassed by the police. Car would be searched, I would get searched. When they would ask to search and I would refuse, they would just claim they smell pot. Didn't matter that I was driving home from work in my uniform, or that they never found anything. I would constantly get searched. Any tip money I had on me would be taken. This happened on nearly a monthly basis. The amount of money taken was never more than $150 in singles and fives.

That should explain my concern about civil forfeiture. This policy is horrible, and police departments depending on that policy for funding makes police no longer objective about enforcing. I am extremely surprised you haven't run into this unless you are in an extremely small department.

Personally this has given me the view of police as no more than robbers. They are gang members to me. Someone I should stay away from, avoid, and not cooperate with.

Unkn0wn777777717 karma

So how do you feel then about cops that do file incorrect paper work, or cover for other bad cops? Do you think they should be punished?

Unkn0wn777777717 karma

So based on your previous comments about bad police, how should police that do hide bad police be handled?

I think you are probably right about not having a ton of horrible cops, but I do believe cops are covering for other police which just gives us the public the belief that most cops are bad.

Unkn0wn777777716 karma

As in lying on a report to help or cover for a fellow officer.