Highest Rated Comments

Unlinkedhorizonzero12 karma

I've grown up in Northern Ireland after the troubles and I'm thankful for everything that Sinn Fein and Gerry Adams have done to make it so. Without them I probably wouldn't have been able to go into higher education and get a good job, I now live in a fairly liberal society where I can do what I want to do not based on where I was born or what nationality I'm associated with. Do I believe he was in the IRA ? ... Of course, he was the chief commander but aside from all the atrocities that they have committed the fact that they were able to negotiate peace and the eventuality of the Good Friday Agreement has laid a path for future generations like myself and others so we can live a normal life. I don't see Gerry Adams as a terrorist or a leader of a Guerilla army, I see him as a peacemaker.

Unlinkedhorizonzero2 karma

As a person from the U.K. can you explain to me which way they work, do the taxis do house calls etc ?

Unlinkedhorizonzero2 karma

How did you get involved at the very bottom level ie karting ?

Unlinkedhorizonzero1 karma

Nooooooo I thought it was the guy who played black Dynamite