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VCSolutions4 karma

That is the question we are struggling with nationally in many of the discussions I take part in. There is no one answer! My best advice would be to talk to a few companies you would want to work with and ask them what requirements they have. The educational institutions, HR departments and security department leaders are sometimes not talking the same language. We are working on that, but we are a bit behind. I will post some resources here for you to start looking around: Find out what you like by looking at some free training: http://www.tomsitpro.com/articles/free-infosec-training-for-it-pros,1-2707.html

You can take these free online courses and add them to your resume: https://ics-cert-training.inl.gov/lms/ Just make up a Company name when you register.

You should take the SANS CyberTalent Test here. Scroll down to find it. It will help you better understand what you need.  https://app.brazenconnect.com/events/sans-cybertalent-fair-may2016#!eventLanding;eventCode=sans-cybertalent-fair-may2016

This is a good site to check for student or internship opportunity. I put in network security and came up with this search: http://www.internships.com/search/posts?Keywords=network+security&Location=&Radius=Hundred&Company=&ListingType=EntryLevelJob&Sort=MostRecent&FilterBy=&Page=1

Cyber Career Research http://www.npower.org/Our-Programs/Symantec-Cyber-Career-Connection-NYC.aspx http://www.cyberdegrees.org/ http://www.cyberdegrees.org/resources/free-online-courses/

VCSolutions3 karma

I will have to defer to the technologists VCSolutions on that!

VCSolutions3 karma

Thanks for asking! We need you! You may have heard about the amount of jobs for cybersecurity professionals on the technical level. Check out http://cyberseek.org/ to see where the jobs are and start finding a mentor.

VCSolutions3 karma

Just knowing how many jobs and opportunities there are in cybersecurity. Truly any company you talk to has needs that are unfilled. If you have time to get a certificate and specialize in something you enjoy, go for it. Don't wait! We need you! I encourage anyone I talk to that has an interest in cybersecurity to get connected.

VCSolutions3 karma

Most likely only those with top secret clearance could have any knowledge at this point. That is NOT me. What I do know is that we need to be vigilant as a government, private sector and personally to understand our vulnerabilities and do what we can do secure our accounts.