Highest Rated Comments

Verizian50 karma

What's your opinion of the New York Times article 'The Trolls Among Us'? Do you feel the article accurately represented you? Or was it simply a sensationalist piece that made you seem like a menace?

EDIT: Article Link

Verizian9 karma

Mr. King, thank you for coming back to Reddit. I know this may be an unpleasant topic for you, but what's the story of your 1971 grand larceny arrest?

Verizian6 karma

Lebanese person here. I totally agree, the treatment of Lebanese Palestinians is awful. They are frequently harassed, have almost no legal rights, and are forced into menial labor because they have no other avenues for self-support. The camps are still in horrible conditions and after the army completely destroyed the Nahr-el-Bared camp in the North because of its standoff with an Islamic militia, the camp has yet to be rebuilt. Palestinians are actively blocked from acquiring any form of citizenship for a number of political reasons, and marrying a Palestinian can cause a Lebanese citizen to lose several important rights

This is to say nothing of the hate and racism that many Lebanese people have for the Palestinians. It isn't just a problem with right-wing Christian militias and parties. Even Muslims who support war against Israel are racist towards Palestinians and have a very contemptuous attitude towards them.

Verizian5 karma

Very good reasons. I must say, in terms of quality, your site has not disappointed, with the exception of Blueberry Garden. I thought that game was just pointless

Verizian5 karma

PC version in less than four years?