Highest Rated Comments

VersatilityMaster186 karma

Most redditors are probably too young to know about parenting, or that you decided to have a baby with your much younger wife (lucky man) and write a book about it.

My buddy gave me your book, 'Yes, You're Pregnant, but What About Me?', a few years ago when I was expecting my first child, it was a great read. Your book was very well written and should be read by anyone, not just fathers-to-be. It was nice to have something with a comedic twist during such a stressful time.

Any chance you will be writing a follow up book? Perhaps about the trials and tribulations of parenting as an old man like yourself. If not, have any advice for a fellow "older" dad?

VersatilityMaster186 karma

Dear Abby,

My husband has been distant since January and I am not sure what to do. He is smoking weed daily and spends all of his time on a website called readit. I just don't know what to do any more.


Wife With Stoned Husband in Denver

DEAR Wife With Stoned Husband: My desk is now located next to the marijuana critic, Jake Browne, and I have absolutely no idea how to help you. Ever since Jake moved in next door I have been getting a contact high and frankly think you should just join your husband in his smoking activities. In the future please send your questions in with a bag of Doritos. As always, puff, puff, give.


VersatilityMaster7 karma

Great story. You have serious balls! I read your story and just thought to myself, "Hey, why not? It's free."

On a more serious note, where do you see yourself 10 years from now? What are your stretch goals professionally?