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Vetivyr_Sky2 karma

There is a homeless guy near my office. He's probably in his mid to late 60s and in a wheelchair. I have seen him three times in the past two years. I bought some water and various other things for him once, and twice I have stopped to speak with him. He definitely has a mental problem, but he's also pretty sharp. It seems to come and go. It makes me so incredibly sad because I can imagine that he's been through a lot and he has nothing to show for it.

Thank you so much for doing what you do. Sometimes you're all they have.

Vetivyr_Sky1 karma

This sounds like the saddest place to volunteer at, ever. Does it make you sad/depressed at all? Seeing people who, after a lifetime of hard work, should be able to enjoy retirement but can't because of their mental problems?

Good on you for doing this. I would cry non-stop the entire time.

Vetivyr_Sky1 karma

What an awesome AMA! I have to admit, I had never heard of you, and I have only read one erotica series in my life (Anne Rice), as I am typically a fantasy/sci-fi kinda girl, but I would love to, and plan to, try one of your books simply because you seem like such an awesome person!