Highest Rated Comments

Vinmeister575 karma

How did you feel about the use of atomic weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Did you agree with the argument that they potentially saved a lot more lives by avoiding an invasion of the Japanese mainland? Thanks for doing this AMA!

EDIT: Spelling

Vinmeister47 karma

Living up to your Username, that's the spirit!

Vinmeister3 karma

Was your first narcoleptic attack (is that the right term? No offence intended) in January when you were diagnosed or had you been having a few previously? What was your first reaction when you woke up? Did you realise, were you freaked out, or did you just blame it on lack of sleep/over-tiredness and carry on as normal? And, if you don't mind sharing, what is your emotional trigger for your cataplexy? Thanks for doing this AMA!

Vinmeister3 karma

In a word it's nuts. You float down this pretty damn dangerous and dirty river in an inner tube and stop at bars along the way and generally just try to get as fucked up as possible on ridiculously cheap drink (one guy gave us a litre of vodka for 2 euro) and whatever else you can find, like laughing gas, stronger stuff - whatever. There's also some massive jumps and zip lines and all that kind of shit. As well as being insanely fun (it really is, not gonna lie) it's also really fucking dangerous, with 40+ deaths since it started. Actually a guy nearly died when I over there, motherfucker was out of his mind wasted and had his tongue roll back into his mouth. Usually not a big deal, but considering everyone there was as if not more fucked up, everyone was doing a lot more harm than good. It turned out in the end that he was grand, but for the next week or so we were all convinced he kicked it. Terrifying experience.

Vinmeister3 karma

What are your views on drunken tourists coming to Laos for the sole purpose of going tubing in the Vang Vieng? I know it's closed now, but how do you feel knowing that drunken fools (myself included, I'm ashamed to say) barge in just to get fucked and kill themselves (or at least try to) ? Or do the economic benefits from the tourist industry outweigh the negative aspects? Thanks for doing this AMA.