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Vogey42 karma

My cousin killed himself in October, he too was disabled with PTSD from Iraq. Whatever you do, stay strong man.

Vogey3 karma

Is your interest in social skills a result of your aspergers? Like aren't aspergs really dedicated/fixated on one thing?

Vogey2 karma

I wouldn't let that hold me back. I can still try.

Vogey2 karma

My older sister had a benign one too when she was a child, she had several strokes and stopped breathing, also nearly died of sepsis. She still has a cerebral shunt to this day,(that is a passage that drains spinal fluid from the skull) but doesn't need it anymore.

Now, as an adult you would never know anything was ever wrong with her, but it still impacted her capabilities quite a bit. I'd say she's got the mental functioning of a permanent 11-13 year old, but sometimes more, sometimes when i'm talking to her, i feel like i'm talking to someone who is extremely sharp, other times i feel like i'm talking to a child. I empathize with your situation deeply and i'm sorry you had to go through this. I can tell you're not as bad as my sister, but how would you say this has impacted your cognitive abilities if at all? and if so, do your goals/ambitions remain the same? Just from reading i can tell you're very sharp.

Vogey2 karma

As a 19 year old who just got out of highschool and hasn't thought about college yet. I really want to do what you're doing, I'm a very shy person and jobs requiring people skills are out of the question for me. But I want to help the community any way i can, i'm in excellent shape physically, lifting for 4 years and kickboxing for 2, I know i have the physical aspects covered, it's the education side of things i'm worried about. Where should i go from here?