Highest Rated Comments

Waklface11 karma

I believe what you're asking for is something that we recently revealed called "Dungeon Themes"

These themes will change the skins for -- workers (Blood Imps), fortified walls, dirt, claimed ground, Dungeon Heart, and emblem.

Here's an example: https://wftogame.com/images/themes.png

Waklface7 karma

Probably less than a month from now. We'll have more information about this post-Kickstarter if we haven't hit the goal by tomorrow.

The £75k needs to pay for writing his lines, Richard's fees, transport, recording costs, a studio technician for recording, mastering the audio, rewards for backers, taxes on all of the above, as well as 9-10% in Kickstarter & payment fees.

Waklface6 karma

Many of the levels in DK2 only take 10 or 15 minutes to rush through, each of our levels will be a longer experience however the exact number has not been nailed down yet. Rest assured the length will be similar to that of a typical "play-through" of DK2.

Hopefully our backers will choose to extend the campaign as we continue funding through the next few months.

Waklface3 karma

You'll be able to increase your pledge -- via PayPal -- after the Kickstarter campaign is over, we'll be adding support for 'increasing your pledge' shortly, in addition to higher reward tiers.

Edit, links!

Waklface3 karma

Richard was extremely enthused to do the voice work for the Kickstarter Trailer!

We're really happy that our backers have given us a ton of feedback, especially in our Build-A-Room series -- The Archive

coatsy35 -- he still gets asked about Dungeon Keeper regularly

We love Stumpy too