Highest Rated Comments

WalkingBoy4 karma

Any advice for wannabe journalists, Mr Sreenivasan? Print journalism, broadcast journalism (radio and TV both, of course), anything you feel qualified to discuss. Thanks.

WalkingBoy3 karma

Hi Deray and Johnetta! I really appreciate your work. I want to help, too, but I'm only a rising senior in high school. How can I help in spite of that?

WalkingBoy3 karma

Thanks, Deray! I did the survey on StayWoke.org -- looking forward to hearing more about it soon. I hope to make it to any protests in the Houston area or wherever I end up for college (maybe Bowdoin?). Thanks again for answering my question and for your work!

WalkingBoy2 karma

happy passover, prof pollack! i'm unfamiliar with yr work, so forgive the naivete.

as a u of c student likely majoring in the humanities, what are good first steps to take in re: learning how to manage money? i do my best to be frugal, and my biggest expenses are laundry and supper when the dining halls are closed (which is to say--not much). but i've never had a 'formal,' or even informal education in this sort of thing.

thanks v much! enjoy the music (this guy is from chicago and kicks ass--such a beautiful song)

WalkingBoy2 karma

forgive me, I just now saw this, but where's a good place to learn about recording and producing/engineering audio? (in general, not just for voice acting.) I'd love to learn, but I have no idea where to start...

Thanks!; happy new year as well