Highest Rated Comments

WarlordBeagle57 karma

How was your family's trust fund squandered?

Why did your mom boot grandma?

Why did you end up getting taken away by CPS?

Was your mom on drugs?

How did you get down with your bf? You went to his place, I guess?

WarlordBeagle9 karma

Those islands are actually US territory. George Washington visited them and claimed them for the US. I have an old map that proves it!

WarlordBeagle2 karma

Vulnerable to what? Light? Lazers? Blows?

WarlordBeagle2 karma

Does the US have Interpol warrants out for the 17 who ran away?

WarlordBeagle1 karma

What did you think was happening to you?

Did you freak out?

Were you especially close to your mother?