Highest Rated Comments

Weareallaroundgaming138 karma

Have you ever considered hiring a Private Investigator to track this guy? They might have tools to track that guy down using his old number. Also, what do you differently in your life now? Have you became a germaphobe since contracting the Virus? Sorry if my questions seem ignorant. I am just forming questions based off what I learned in High School Health class.

Weareallaroundgaming3 karma

Sorry if this has been answered. What gender are you attracted to?

Weareallaroundgaming2 karma

What have the doctors said about walking again?

Weareallaroundgaming2 karma

My Science teacher tried to bullshit his way through evolution. He made it VERY clear Evolution is a theory, and said he believed "The Man" was responsible for everything to quote him verbatim. I was a creationist then, and didn't question it because I didn't want to go to Hell.

My question though, sorry if I am Ninja'd. Has violence ever been threatened against you? People in the Bible Belt take Jesus very seriously, and I have heard of violence being threatened.

Weareallaroundgaming1 karma

I am sorry if this question is too personal. Do you think when you heal you will ever drive again? I can't imagine ever getting behind a wheel again if this happened to me.