Highest Rated Comments

Wetzilla331 karma

I think people looking for "cheat-codes" is a thing of the younger generations.

It is? I mean, haven't there always been people who are looking to exploit any rules or laws in order to make money? Like via "creative accounting" or finding tax loopholes or just bending the laws as far as they can without getting caught? Or chasing easy money like subprime mortgages? Sure, maybe the younger generations are the ones looking to technology to try and get an advantage, but the idea of looking for a way to exploit the system in order to get rich certainly isn't.

Wetzilla299 karma

And he's won a shitload of Emmy's for it. It's nice to see that hard work and tons of effort really does get rewarded sometimes in entertainment.

Wetzilla266 karma

Playing in a d&d game run by R.A. Salvatore must be one of the greatest things ever.

Wetzilla34 karma

So the strike has caused a bit of a stir throughout the US as it is, since there hasn't been a strike since the writer's guild took a stand.

Maybe in the entertainment industry, but there have been plenty of strikes in the US since then.

Wetzilla12 karma

Who is driving? Bear is driving! How can that be?