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WhereEaglesDave4 karma

Hey man, I talked admire what you're doing. How did you get started with community outreach? Did you go to school for social work?

Thanks for answering questions!

WhereEaglesDave3 karma

Hello Wil! First off, I'd like to say thank you for all the work you guys have put out. It's really helped me a lot. You probably get this often, but the way you write has made me feel a lot less lonely.

I have three questions:

  1. Any plans on returning to Seattle soon? I was at your last show at the Vera Project and it was amazing! I was the guy that couldn't get up the nerve to introduce myself and probably kept staring while you walked around (sorry!)

  2. Are there any deliberate steps you take in your writing? I feel like the progression of your writing is really noticeable in its growth and articulation. Simply put, you start off really good and now you're fucking killing it and I was wondering if there was a purposeful attempt to grow as a writer or if it was just a natural progression?

And 3. In interviews, you've spoken about how you have the fifth album written. Is the next one about one event or subject as More Scared is or is it about multiple things?

Thanks for answering all of our questions! The new album is fucking amazing. Thank you so much!

WhereEaglesDave3 karma

I want to know what you mean. Care to elaborate?

WhereEaglesDave2 karma

It immediately made me think of the end of Throw me in the River and how it was such a different ending. One was very intense and fit perfectly. The other was quiet and sort of abrupt. I feel that each ending fit very well with their respective albums.

WhereEaglesDave1 karma

Hello! This is probably a stretch but have you heard of the band Porch Cat from Bellingham, WA? Their lead singer is a woman with EDS and her band was how I learned about it. Maybe check them out, they're pretty good and the lead singer was really nice!