Highest Rated Comments

WhoPooedInMaShoe1341 karma

On behalf of every nurse on the planet, I'd like to ask a very important question.

Why are the majority of surgeons such assholes?

WhoPooedInMaShoe185 karma

And it seems to be a vicious cycle...from what I've seen they're the meanest to their medical students. Sometimes just downright degrading. It's awful.

WhoPooedInMaShoe2 karma

No, there's no bicep curls in crossfit. Now, I've never seen someone boasting about the fact that they've gotten rhabdo from crossfit. For me, it's quite the opposite. I got rhabdo (CK was 48,000 at the highest) after my first crossfit workout because I tried to be Billy Badass and I didn't check my ego at the door. After it was all said and done...proud? Definitely not. Embarrassed? Absolutely.

WhoPooedInMaShoe1 karma

I'm not boasting. I'm not saying how awesome I am. I was saying that I was EMBARRASSED that it happened. It was relevant.