Highest Rated Comments

WhyHellYeah388 karma

How come you never return my calls?

WhyHellYeah3 karma

Don't you think chemo should come before radiation?

Something about the blood-brain barrier being harder to cross after radiation damage.

That's what my friend went through at MGH: Surgery, Chemo, Radiation.

WhyHellYeah2 karma

Why does the US EPA maintain such a high requirement for skimmers when that cannot be achieved?

Also, do you know as many people as I do who received money from the initial fund who weren't affected by the spill?

WhyHellYeah2 karma

Do you see it being successful? Good or bad? Any real hope for democracy or is it going to be one and done?

WhyHellYeah2 karma

I'm surprised that the tumors weren't removed/reduced by surgery.

Did they do fMRI? (Yes, that is spelled fMRI.)

Are they using Gamma Knife?

Good luck. Hope you beat it to the best you can.